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Hildebrandt publishes ‘A Philosophy of Technology for Computational Law’

 17 Dec 2020

This chapter confronts the foundational challenges posed to legal theory and legal philosophy by the surge of computational law. Two types of computational law are at stake. On the one hand we have artificial intelligence in the legal realm that will be addressed as data-driven law, and on the other hand we have the coding of self-executing contracts and regulation in the blockchain, as well as other types of automated decision making (ADM), addressed as code-driven law. Data-driven law raises problems due to its autonomic operations and the ensuing opacity of its reasoning. Code-driven law presents us with a conflation of regulation, execution and adjudication. Though such implications are very different, both types of computational law share assumptions based on the calculability and computability of legal practice and legal research.

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Hildebrandt speaks at online conference ‘Doing AI the European way: Protecting fundamental rights in an era of artificial intelligence’

 14 Dec 2020

On 14 December 2020, Mireille Hildebrandt will speak at the panel on ‘Automating public administration – Public sector use of AI and fundamental rights implications’ at the online conference ‘Doing AI the European way: Protecting fundamental rights in an era of artificial intelligence’ organised by the European Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), EU2020.DE, and the Bundesministerium der Justiz und Verbrauchersschutz.

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Interview with Frank Pasquale on his contribution to our 2020 Philosophers’ Seminar

 2 Dec 2020

Our researcher Emilie van den Hoven spoke to Frank Pasquale (@FrankPasquale) in the context of our upcoming 2020 Philosophers’ Seminar. The seminar seeks specifically to explore some of the most pertinent questions around the interpretability problem in machine learning, notably in relation to the use of AI in law. In the interview Pasquale speaks about some of the ideas he developed in his contribution and discusses how notions like meta-expertise, metrics and second-hand naturalism reduce some of the internal goods that are constitutive of law & legal practice. In doing so, he sheds light on how the integration of computation in law challenges the practices that are core to the legal domain.

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