Gori teaches on computer crimes in Florence, Italy (7 Dec 2022)

Gori teaches on computer crimes in Florence (7 Dec 2022)

Postdoctoral researcher Gianmarco Gori has given a lecture and led a case simulation in the Bar exam preparation course organized by the Sindacato degli Avvocati of the Bar Association of Florence.
Gori has illustrated the various challenges that computer crimes pose to legislators, courts and legal practitioners, in particular for what concerns the establishment of jurisdiction, the collection and acquisition of evidence, and the enforcement of legal decisions. He has illustrated the criminal offences and the instruments of international cooperation delineated by the Recommendation n. 89(9) of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, by the Budapest Convention of 2001 and its additional Protocol. He has then analysed the national implementation of such offences and the principles elaborated in the caselaw.