Hildebrandt speaks on the politics of ambiguity and the issues of proxies (22 March 2022)
In her talk, Mireille Hildebrandt will argue that what matters is not computable. However, it can be made computable, and in different ways. This difference in turn matters, it makes a difference for those who will suffer or enjoy the consequences. To make things computable developers need proxies, as computing systems cannot deal with the ambiguity of the languages we live in. Decisions on disambiguation and the choice of proxies have far-reaching implications, There is a politics in these design decisions that requires our keen attention. This is where transparency and agonistic debate are pertinent.
The talk is part of the Latent Spaces (online) event The Value of Ambiguity - Data, proxies and the limits of the computable on 22 March 2022.
For more information, click here.