Hildebrandt to present keynote on Whiteboxing machine learning at CD-MAKE conference (Benevento, 1 September 2023)

Professor Mireille Hildebrandt will present a keynote on ‘Whiteboxing Machine Learning’ at the CD-MAKE conference in Benevento, Italy on Friday september 1st.

The CD-MAKE conference is the international Cross Domain conference for Machine Learning & Knowledge Extraction. At this years’ edtion, COHUBICOL’ s Mireille Hildebrandt will hold a keynote in which she tackles the challenges that AI Machine Learning Systems face when deployed in real world scenarios, due to their black box nature. She will elaborate on why meaningful explanations require keen attention to the proxies used in ML research design as our understanding of the choices that we need to make in that process will enable us to have a better grasp on what ML systems can and cannot do.

You can find a detailed programma of the conference here and more info on the two keynotes here.