Van den Hoven presents Typology of Legal Technologies to Taiwan’s Minister of Digital Affairs and colleagues (Brussels, 30 June 2023)
On Friday 30 June 2023, COHUBICOL PhD researcher Emilie van den Hoven presented COHUBICOL’s Typology of Legal Technologies to a delegation of the Ministery of Digital Affairs (MODA) of Taiwan and its Minister Audrey Tang. The event was hosted by FARI - AI for the Common Good Institute and included talks by the co-directors of the institute, as well research presentations on behalf of Université Libre de Bruxelles and FARI and by Van den Hoven as the representative of Vrije Universiteit Brussels and the LSTS research group.
In her presentation about the Typology Van den Hoven reiterated the importance of cross-disciplinary research and understanding between those in the legal field on the one hand and developers and those in computer science domains on the other - one of aims at the heart of the COHUBICOL project since its inception. She also demonstrated the use of the Typlogy of Legal Technologies in cultivating a critical mindset and method, and emphasised the importance of reaching a wider target demographic when it comes to the critical evualation of legal technologies.